Meet Julia

Friday, May 15, 2015

Reminiscing On Jamaica

Everytime we have hot weather here, my thoughts turn towards Jamaica.  Everytime someone sings, "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?", my thoughts turn towards Jamaica.  Everytime my soul is downcast, my thoughts turn towards the Jamaican lyrics "It's alright, alright, as long as I have my Lord besides me, it's alright."  Everytime someone asks about the scar on my leg, I think of our Jamaican soccer game.  Everytime we measure out sugar, I think of our raw Jamaican sugarcane.  

Our family missions trip was made up of about 20 people: 4 families.  It was the first week of April, and we stayed in Buff Bay, at the Baptist Church's compound, for 10 days.  Everyday was packed with new adventures and culture experiences.  We held a VBS for about 60 kiddos in a small, one room mountain church, sanded down and painted the Skibo Church, handed out gifts and prayed with patients at the hospital, played soccer with the Jamaican kids, held school devotionals (consisting of songs, a testimony, and gospel presentation), hosted women's discipleship studies, and held evangelistic outreaches at night. Our interactions with the Jamaicans from and outside of the church always was turned to our glorious God, and it was very encouraging to see God's hand move amidst and through us. 


Doing a team VBS cheer- ah!  Their smiles are so precious!

We found a GINORMOUS toad, so of course everyone wanted to hold it :)

A local farmer picked cacao pods, sugar cane, and cinnamon tea leaves for us to try!  (Yes, the purple thing is the inside of a cacao bean)

The beautiful view of the Boston Bay Beach

These scenes were normal to drive past!

This is the town of Buff Bay.  The sunset's rays are lighting up the mountain:)

A church in Buff Bay and their soccer field.  I went running on it almost every morning and we got to watch a soccer game!

Above is Dunn's River Falls.  It's about a half a mile long, and we climbed them.

Lastly, we stopped at Montego Bay, the tourist hot-spot

Ah the clear water!

THIS tree and the vines, oh my word. God is amazing!

A chalkboard from our school devotion visit

The food market

The Skibo Church